How to adding comments function to your jekyll blog with uttrances

Table of Contents


Github : Uttrances

A lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues.

How it works?

** Excerpt from Uttrances github**

When Utterances loads, the GitHub issue search API is used to find the issue associated with the page based on url, pathname or title. If we cannot find an issue that matches the page, no problem, utterances-bot will automatically create an issue the first time someone comments.

To comment, users must authorize the utterances app to post on their behalf using the GitHub OAuth flow. Alternatively, users can comment on the GitHub issue directly.

Uttrances Install

Link : Uttrances

Install Uttrances via Link.



Follow the image above to install Uttrances and select your GitHub blog repository.

Custom Uttrances settings


Write your Github name and repository name as [owner]/[repo] in the configuration-Repository-repo


Set it up for the blog Post ↔ Issue Mapping you want.


Copy the contents of the Enable Utterances.

Apply to Jekyll blog


Copy and Paste code on the _layout - post.html(or the part Where layout is applied)



💙You need to log in to GitHub to write comments.💙